Honkai Impact 3rd Chapter: 2

Honkai Impact 3rd - Chapter 2 - 1

Ch. 2 – Lightning Awakened

Continuing from the last chapter, the Honkai beast comes bursting through the building the girls were staying in. With all the girls being throw out the building from the force, the best part is Bronya soaring through the air with her blank expression, thinking ways of getting revenge for her nap ruined.

Honkai Impact 3rd - Chapter 2 - 2

With the Honkai beast readying a second attack, Bronya counterattacks with Project Bunny still with her blanked expression. The beast seeing that their attacks end in a standstill, decides “You know what, I hate you”, grabs Bronya and Project Bunny and chucks them through several buildings.

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Now with annoying pest dealt with, the beast turns its attention Mei who’s on ground-level. It slashes down at Mei before it can land the hit, Kiana (being the hero) takes the attack, cutting across her spine (that’s a lot of blood).

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Stunned by what Kiana just did, Mei tightly holds Kiana and beings cry knowing that her friend just died (I should check to see if the 2nd Herrscher has regeneration because I pretty sure Kiana should have died from blood loss) and this being the end as the beast unleashes one more attack at the girls with a resounding boom.

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Before the beast can deal the finishing blow, a barrier made of electricity surrounds Mei and Kiana. Seeing that it’s coming from Mei (since the chapter is called Lightening Awakened and she did reference her Lightening Empress Mode in chapter 1.1), the attack collides full force into the barrier sending electricity crackling across the city.

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As the electricity gets more violent, we see that it’s not Mei in control as she begins to gain half a set of electricity wings and a tattoo on her hip. She begins to float into the sky with the unconscious Kiana staring down the Honkai beast.

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We found that one that is controlling Mei currently is called Queen (or for convenience, the 3rd Herrscher that dormant in Mei), angry that only human that got close to her is dead, decides to give the beast two pages of electricity and performs a PS3 classic, an Ionic Storm to finish it off.

Honkai Impact 3rd - Chapter 2 - 8

Ending this chapter, we see that electricity blast caught the attention of the Hyperion as it reaches the city. Onboard, Himeko has her sights on whatever created that blast.

Pretty good chapter, seeing that Kiana will go that far to save someone that she has a crush on and getting to see how powerful a new Herrscher is (she awake up at the start of the zombie invasion, that is also where she meet Kiana). Also, a Mei vs Himeko fight is going to happen in the coming chapters.

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